Planet Earth: Habitat Explorer | Main


Planet Earth:An interactive experience fromThe Open University
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To use this experience at its best you'll need


Latest software update (iOS 16.3)iPhone 7 / iPad 5 or newerHave a rear cameraOpen this page in Safari


Android 7 or newerHave a rear cameraOpen this page in Chrome

Camera access is required for this experience

You can grant permissions for this experience to access your device camera and microphone via your device settings menu.
How to

How do I use this AR experience?

Planet Earth: Habitat Explorer allows you to explore three different animals and their habitats by using immersive AR technology.

After launching AR, please follow the instructions when they appear:

  • Find a flat surface - move your phone to help detect a flat surface, like a table or the floor
  • Tap to place - tap your phone screen to anchor the AR habitat to the flat surface
  • Tap hotspots to explore - tap each hotspot to find out more about the animal and their habitat
  • Pinch, zoom & swipe - pinch and zoom or swipe to rotate the habitat to find all of the hotspots and explore the different angles of the habitat
  • Discover a new perspective - in addition to the above and while keeping the habitat in view on your camera screen, try moving your phone closer and around the habitat to find the animals
  • Listen - tap the audio icon in the header to turn on/ off the sounds of the environment

For full viewing potential and to find all of the hotspots, pinch and zoom or swipe to rotate the habitat.

Help! I can't get the experience to work

Firstly, is your phone on low power mode? If so, connect it to power and turn off low power mode in order to run this site optimally.

Secondly, please try:

  1. Closing all internet browsers and reopening the site
  2. Clearing your cache
  3. Refreshing the website

If you still encounter issues, please refer to the FAQ document in the Burger Menu - What are the minimum device requirements to run this site?

Point camera at a flat surface& tap screen to place